Wilson’s Promontory and South Gippsland
Take in the scenery of South Gippsland and the spectacular Wilson’s Promontory National Park. You will also fly over Port Albert, Port Welshpool, snake Island, See the Wilson’s Promontory Light House, Tidal River, Snady Point, Cape Liptrap Lighthouse near Walkerville, Corner Inlet, Port Franklin and the Toora Wind Farm.
A 60min flight will allow you to visit them all. Flights depart both Latrobe Valley and Yarram Parkside Aerodrome.
Wilson's Promontory Lighthouse
Norman Bay
Wilson's Promontory Lighthouse
The Prom is one of Victoria’s most-loved places.
At the southernmost tip of mainland Australia, it offers spectacular scenery of huge granite mountains, open forest, rainforest, sweeping beaches and coastlines.
Great bushwalks extend from under an hour to over three days. Visitors can camp, caravan or stay in huts, cabins, wilderness retreats or lodges at Tidal River where there is a general store and take-away food shop.
Wilsons Promontory Lightstation is perched on a small peninsula jutting into the wild seas of Bass Strait.
The waters surrounding the Prom are protected as a marine national park and marine park and offer outstanding diving.